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Honey Bear Puppy Fever

At last the decision was made; I did indeed get the darker little girl. I did not know what her name was, the only name that came to me was Bear – not very feminine. Let me explain, some people choose their dogs names, mine always tell me.

I am a big believer in animal communication; I can do it, but my friend Linda Trent is downright amazing, so I enlisted her help. I also wanted her big brother Akai, to know what was going on.

So even before I actually got to smell that puppy breath, I had Linda tune into my new charge:

Honey’s first words: Aren’t I BEAUTIFUL?? I just got here! I’m so excited to be going home with Charlotte and Carl. I want to look my best for them. I know that’s very, very important, you know. I was BRED for the “the Show”. I’m very proud of my DNA, let’s not let it go to waste OK? I’m all game to be in the “Big Show” when I’m old enough. I’m smart, funny, even dare I say “Sassy”. By the way my name is HONEYbear, cuz I’m a girl!

At this point I am thinking, oh my, I may have my hands full. Honey Bear was a little bigger than we figured Southwest would let fly home, so we drove 16 hours to pick her up. It was love at first sight, she licked my face and we took her back to the hotel to sleep, or least attempt to sleep. At 4 am we gave up and headed home to have another semi-sleepless night, but at least I was in my own bed.

Mom set up an exercise pen on a tarp in our bedroom and a couple ex-pens out the back door. I have lots of toys, a blanket, fresh water and pee pads – I just can’t hold it for very long. As soon as I wake up, outside I go. I have a big brother Akai that I like to wrestle with. I jump on his head and then when he chases me I run under the furniture until he isn’t looking, then I bite his tail and run again. He’s pretty good natured about it, I think he likes me.

HoneyBearCrates are awesome, and I have started putting her in one for short amounts of time. But I know she can’t hold it long, and I don’t want her peeing in the crate, so most of her time is spent in the exercise pen. She is only 8 weeks old.

Oh, I think a met a pretty important person, a Dr. Joe Howard, he’s a vet. He let me clean his beard – I don’t think he cleaned up well after breakfast. Then he listened to my heart, looked in my ears, mouth and felt my bones. He pronounced me healthy – I could have told him that! I got to step on this flat board and discovered I weighed 17 lbs. Mom says I am ‘growing like a weed’. I think I am prettier than a weed. Anyway Dr. Joe said I had to come back in 3 more weeks to get my second vaccination- that’s not a big deal, my first mom did that last week and it was just a pinch.

More adventure await for me, I just know it!!


Charlotte the Dog Trainer

Charlotte Fulkerson – Owner/Trainer